Sunday 1 December 2013

IPP and getting on with our new play!

Tuesday 26th November-
Today Bekki wasn't here but Axel and I had the chance to look at all three puppets we had in the drama room and reflect on them. We thought about the strengths and weakness of each puppet under the sections of Aesthetics and Manipulation.
Doing this task really helped us to understand what we need to do to have the best puppet possible for our new production. We thought it would be best to just create a whole new puppet so that we could get the all the best features together in one puppet.
The best features in a puppet we now realise after reflection is:
  • able to move
  • good joints
  • facial features
  • good propertions
  • easy to make breathe
  • not very heavy

Thursday 28th November-
Today was meant to be the deadline for our first IPP draft.
We all know and understood that we had not done much of our IPP's. It is very bad that we haven't and Mr Fearnehough has extended the deadline which will be really helpful.
Personally, I have struggled to be getting on with my IPP because we have had a lot of work and when the deadline is long for something, you don't do as much as you should for it because you have other homeworks that are in earlier. I struggle to find the time to do anything more. After talking about it, I have a clearer idea of what an IPP should look like and where to start and develop my ideas. I actually like the thought of the task, I wish that we just had open time to do it!
Right now, I have brainstormed about my ideas and I have a concrete idea that I would like to do. I understand what I need to do to develop that idea now and I know what steps I have to do next.
I am happy that we did talk about the IPP. Mr Fearnehough said that he will regularly ask to see our IPP work now and I don't really mind that to be honest. I find that it will be better to make me get on with it and it will also be good to have chances to ask for help.

Friday 29th November-
Today we carried on with our development for ideas for our new puppetry piece.
We decided that it would be good to give ourselves roles for the making of this production. We know our actual story and message. We figured out the important aspects that are involved in our piece which is:
  • script
  • LX
  • puppet
  • Shadow Puppetry
  • Music and Sound 
I am in charge of the script. I am happy about this because I have wanted to have a chance at writing a script and also planning the outline of our production. It will help me in understand timing for our play and it will also give me experience for my PPP if I do a little preview of the script.
I spent the second hour of the lesson doing a complete outline of the play. During this, I did have to stop and think would this actually work. For example, the shadow puppetry. We need two people to hold the two small puppets of Angel and Devil but we also need to hold up a white sheet for the screen. Thinking about it and all the possibilities, I realise that it is possible and this helped me to be able to move on and continue using the shadow puppetry.
When writing my script, I need to remember:
  • target audience
  • repetition
  • key lines
  • easy language to understand
All of these aspects mean that the message will be easier to get into the children and help them understand what we are trying to show. That is our main goal, for our production to be entertaining but also educational.

Next lesson, I will be able to start writing the script and I should get a lot done in an hour I hope!

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