Monday 21 April 2014


So now we have finished everything for IB Theatre!
We started as 5 people , went up to 6 and then finished we 3.
I would say that IB Theatre took a lot of energy during the two years in comparison to all the other subjects.
In the first year there were a lot of presentations and research tasks that helped us prepare for our final assessments. Then in year two, it was just assessment after assessment after exam....
It was really hard work but hopefully it will be worth it.

I don't think I am going to talk much here about what I learnt from IB Theatre because you all saw that in my TPPP but I did gain a huge amount of confidence, trust and determination from theatre. I thought I was already confident but I realise now how much it has grown even more.

I will miss our first year trackie Wednesdays and the Stanislavski relaxation exercise (catching up on sleep). I will miss being the eldest, tallest and trying to be the peacemaker between Axel and Bekki, although I feel I probably provoked most of their arguments and banter. I won't miss Mr Fearnehough when he is a perfectionist about where my fullstop or dash goes on my reference (don't stop though because it was a good thing)!. I will miss Mr Fearnehough!! Drama has always been my favourite class since year 7 therefore Mr Fearnehough has always been ONE or maybe my favourite teacher since then! I think he learnt a lot from our IB class too such as not talking as much at parent teacher meetings. I think Mr Fearnehough will miss our banter that we had. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A CLASS LIKE OURS AGAIN :)
I will definitely come back and visit though. Like I said to you the other day when I was walking to your room with no shoes on " I feel like this place is my home".
Now I feel like this is getting too cheesy...

I am going to miss our little team we had. I think we gained a lot of trust through the course. An example of this was me touching axel's bum in the massage task and also all of us including Mr Fearnehough seeing Axel's nipples on the last day.
Let's not forget our trip to London! Probably my favourite trip to be honest...
Remember when we got ripped off on the first night in the Indian? Then there was Axel's claw, Henry's burping, farting, eating habbits OH MY GOD! Bekki needing a mother so she held Mrs Mancey's hand. Mr Fearnehough being a complete diva when walking into TaPs the first time to show all the other schools who is boss. Then there was most of us asleep at Damned by Despair until the gun shot went off. Halley and Abby's first experience in Primark. Bekki and I almost crying when Mr Fearnehough said we could go into Primark for half an hour. Then also being across the road from Primark everyday <3

It was a really good and hard two years. During them I could only think of the bad and tiring parts but right now I acually cannot think of any of the bad/annoying/tiring moments that we had.

Thank you for everything Mr Fearnehough! At least next year you don't have to deal with any theatre assessments because you don't have a Year 13 theatre class!
You have been the biggest diva and also the most helpful teacher in the school!
Thank you Bekki & Axel for being two amazing friends that I am going to miss soooo much, yes even you Axel!
Also thank you to Halley, Abby, Mary and even Henry. Halley was a spirited American who forced One Direction to be on during class, Abby for giving really amazing idea for our "Love Wins All" play, Mary for making us laugh so much that one day in class to the point Mr Fearnehough was on the floor crying but I don't actually remember what we were laughing about now and then to Henry for being so much fun on the trip and actually keeping in contact.

LYDIA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S I don't even care if this was really cheesy.

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