Monday 21 April 2014

The End of the IB Theatre Course 

On Friday the 4th of April we completed our whole IB Theatre course by doing our PPP. This marked a big moment in our IB student lives and made me realize how close to the end we were. Now we've just started our study leave i've realized how lucky Theatre students are to have all their assessments during the last year and not as a final exam (now i can concentrate on 5 subjects rather then 6 which makes a big difference).

These past 2 years have been amazing, fun-filled but also hard and sometimes frustrating. We've become a much smaller group, starting from 6 and now just being 3. I found that during our last year we've discovered how to trust each other even more and have trust in each other. I myself started Drama in year 10 and loved it so much i wanted to continue it for IB, i was shocked and nervous at first to find that the IB Theatre course is much more detailed (and none of our pieces would be filmed on camera :O ) Even though Theatre in IB is much more demanding it's made me become who i am today. I've gained a lot of confidence which i never used to really have even before i started at IST. Year 10 and 11 helped me gain it, but IB Theatre has helped me gain my confidence a lot more ( even though on some presentations my voice still goes shaky, but i can do it 10 times better now).

IB Theatre i found is a much more social and energetic subject compared to other subject on the IB learner profile. Because it is so much more energetic and we did so many trust exercises and 'games' or warm up exercises we've come to create amazing memories  we will never forget.

The first memory i can go back to is the TAPS ISTA TRIP TO LONDON. This trip was one of my favourite trips i have ever had. We gained 2 people in our group for this trip (Ms Mancey our English teacher and her son Henry). We created loads of memories from that trip, from being annoyed after being ripped of at an Indian Restaurant on the first night (even though tasted amazing), taking the underground to get to places, going into PRIMARK, eating at Pizza Hut, witnessing Lydia's short attention spams (which is not that long). Axel always commenting on something that i did :( Making friends in our workshop ensemble and so many more.

There's also many memories of the shows we went to watch, One Man Two Guvnors where we laughed in hysterics on our chairs. Damned by Despair which i can't remember much of, apart from being rudely awakened by the sound of a gun shot. Oh the Humanity where i still don't understand what the meaning was there. Ouroboros being amazed by the puppetry and the BERPI used. There's so many more memories that it would take hours to write down.
One thing i will remember is how our little ensemble of 3 managed to make Mr.Fearnehough go off subject on some lessons for about 45 minutes and always ended in laughter, those were the best lessons for us hehe. I will truely miss IB Theatre as i've found it to be the most comfortable and 'safe room' in the whole school. We've laughed a lot together but we've also nearly had meltdowns together.

I can't believe IB Theatre is over, i will miss going into that little bright yellow room (even though it would be better painted black :p ahahha) We've become closer as an ensemble but also as friends and i wont forget the memories that we're created during the 2 years and we all know that Mr.Fearnehough will never have an amazing class like ours ever again :D

Thank you Mr.Fearnehough :D

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