Friday 8 February 2013

More improvising and super-objectives!

Monday 4th February-
Today Mr Fearnehough was off sick but we knew what we had to do so it didn't matter. We got straight on with working but first began with a warm-up exercise from Bekki, who was also the director of the lesson. The exerise was a relaxation exercise that helped us to calm down as it was the last lesson of the day and brought focus to our hour.
We decided to work on the restaurant scene which involes Halley, Bekki, Mary and I.
We remembered from previous lessons that it was important to always involve the audience and keep it funny ALWAYS!
I felt that we did a good job really.
We didn't finish the scene so we were going to continue it.

Wednesday 5th February-
Today was our double lesson and at the beginning Mr Fearnehough first started off the lesson by talking to us about objectives and super objectives. Our own character needs to have an objective for each scene we are involved in and a super objective for the whole play. This means that our character can keep in their head what their aim is in the play. As I play part of the zanni, we are very playful and sneaky characters. Therefore my super-objective is to keep the audience interation and keep the jokes and tricks flowing!
After being taught about super-objectives, we went into the studio to work more on our piece. First though, it was my turn to be in charge of the warm-up and then be director for the lesson.
My warm-up was a full body stretch as it was Wednesday morning and our commedia restaurant scene has lots of movement.
In reflection of being director for the lesson, I think I wasn't too bad!
It was a double lesson so sometimes the group does go off topic but I tried hard and most of the time succeeded in getting everyone back on track. We all had lots of ideas to help people and make our piece better and better. I felt like we all worked really well together whilst having fun and enjoying it which is a good thing!

Thursday 6th February-
Today we spoke about the things we achieved yesterday when rehearsing.

  1. remembering to always use audience interaction -example of this is taking an audience member to tango dance.
  2. using different types of jokes, slapstick, sarcasm... -example of this is Halley's nugget joke which is a little rude. Also a slapstick joke where mary falls off the chair because Halley drags it too far and doesn't notice.
  3. Using lots of physicality in the scene- example: Mickey(Halley) at the restaurant table, SO MUCH MOVEMENT ON THE TABLE. Also, using dance twice! When chanting "oh mickey you're so fine and the tango dance at the restaurant.
We also discussed the places where our rehearsal was not as successful but we can improve:
  1. need more script and involvement for Rose, Mary's character. Reactions at Mickey.
  2. Choreography for "oh mickey youre so fine
We said that time pressure is a good thing for us as it makes time precious and rehearsing time needed. Which makes us work hard and not mess around wasting time!
After we went to rehearse again and worked on adding more script for mary which worked out!
I find that our piece is coming along really well :) 

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