Saturday 16 February 2013

Near to Finish Line

February 11, 2013 (Monday) Mr. Fearnehough remind us the deadline for our commedia piece but then we were not yet done in our scene and also the props, costumes and sounds.

February 13, 2013 (Wednesday) Mr. Fearnehough prepared for the props that we can use in our pratice and when he was doing it, we did the warm up, and after that we started our play with props that can be included in our scene, where me and abby met each other in an accident and we added that the two zanni will enter this scene so it has more comedy words to say, cause i thought it was awkward if me and abby talk to each other only, then Mr. Fearnehough gave as 2 minutes water break then when we come back, Mr. Fearnehough talked about The Process as an Actor.

- Freeze Frames - we do our freeze frames to remember what is the follow of our play or we can call it as a pattern, we can changed it because it is just only a draft and it is just a way so we know what we are doing.
- Masks in Rehearsal - There is a question When? or Why we are wearing mask?, the answer of it is to express and give what that mask do in physical appearance like how they walk and talk
- Dividing Lazzi - can take the responsibility, where there responsibility is to make every scene ruin it in a proper way by giving jokes.
- Taking in turns to direct - warm ups is the one that we need to do before we start our rehearsal because it help us to stratch our body give some energetic moves, and when we are doing this we are not that serious so we need to change it, we need to concentrate on what we are doing, FOCUS is we need.
- Distributing tech/ design roles - It is like putting some acrobatics that halley rose will do it but we should help each other to make share ideas.
- Mask making with art - why? Because it gives a creativity when the mask make.
- Improvisation - Put some thing different in rehearsal like how the zanni enter the scene in a funny moves.
- Performance Concept - It is all about the light, sounds, costumes, props organize.
- Objectives - the stanislavski system  that has 1-6 which we need to go on thru to reach a good performance about commedia play.
- In analyzing this kind of process, for me it is easy to achieve if we give our best, focus on what we are doing and share good ideas that can help our play better.

February 14, 2013 (Thursday) Mr. Fearnehough lead us by starting in warm ups, it is about how we express ourself in terms of numbers, in this kind of warm up we show the different level of acting, so Mr. Fearnehough started up, where we feel that we are in the cinema, where the movie is all about LOVE then i will give the expression where im in a level 1, which is not that kind of inlove people but a simple movement that will know that im starting inlove with the scene that i am watching, we all express it in a nice and presentable way, and the next is about comedy, at first we have different level but this time we have the same level and gives it action, and we know that we can handle it by ourselves and it was a good warm up for us because we think on what we are doing when it comes to different levels. and after this we started to work out in our cinema scene and we apply the emotions.


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