Thursday 1 November 2012


October 22th (Monday)
-- We listened to a music called Gorky's Zygotic which is we think for the IMITATION, INFLUENCE and INSPIRATIONS about the music. Then we produce some actions that will imitate the music, like some of the music we tried to copy, and about in influence we used to do something different but the sound is still there, and about the inspirations we do something that is more inspired to do.

October 24 (Wednesday)
-- WE used first to have a warmed up called "HOLIDAY GAME" and the topic is about "Will you came with me this holiday?". We got a pairs the other one is A and B, first is the A group which is they will try there best so there pertner will join there holiday.

First: No Game: I felt DEPRESSED, because even though you i do every thing you always been rejected.
Second: Yes But: I felt DISAPPOINTED, because she make you happy at first then there was a word BUT which is there point was NO.
Third: Yes And: I felt INTERESTING, because you both agree on what you want, you gonna think another interesting and exciting things to do in holiday.

OVERALL: This type of game thinks better to express your capacity even though they rejected you, we still trying to to give all, when the time that you can't do it as successful there is no more hope in it.

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