Monday 21 January 2013

Log Lines, Mask Making and Freeze Frames

January 14, 2013 (Monday)
 MR. Fearnehough discuss about Loglines, i've got an idea now what is loglines mean in theatre, by having its 3 main word in expressing a film, this are the tree word:
WHEN is about the when is the main problem in the film
THEN is about the key relationship and the solution to the problem in the film
UNTIL is about how he or she solve the problem.
Then he gave us some aspects of production that having it's own themes, costumes, buildings, props and the light and sound which is the pat of performance concept that we learned last time.

January 16, 2013 (Wednesday)
 We started to make a mask which is a basic type on doing mask, we got to learn many things like how to make the shape of the noise. And our main aim is to make a mask that we needed in our commedia dell arte play.

January 17, 2013 (Thursday)
 We repeat our freeze frame because we have some scene that doesn't been included, and after that we get one scene about "Encounter in the Cinema" to practice what kind of movements do we put in it and we all thing what we gonna say which is we do not need script on we should say what we need to say exactly.

1 comment:

  1. A fair effort, Mary. Could you give some more detail about how you found making the masks, what materials you used, what you learnt from the task... Try to reflect more than simply say what we did in lessons.
