Sunday 13 January 2013

Return from the HOLIDAYS!
 Monday 7th of January:

We started the lesson about discussing the performance concept with Mr.Fearnehough and we then discussed different ways we could research the technical roles we had been given. The London National Theatre is a great website to watch videos on all different technical aspects of performances.

Wednesday 9th of January:
Wednesday was when the fun began! Halley taught us how to do loads of acrobatics! It was a really good way of getting into the spirit of commedia and learning new skills. We spent the whole 2 hours learning new things like:
- Somersaults
- Jump-ups (starting from down on the knees)
- The run, slide, spin
- The worm
- The coffee grinder
- Cartwheels
- Different types of jumps - Hitch kick - Guitar - Leprechaun - Butterfly
- And the most exciting one the Russian Circle Running
I really enjoyed myself and Halley was very good at explaining everything and was leading the whole 2 hours extremely well and helped us if we were struggling with some moves. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and we worked together very well and we realised how well we worked from the pain we all had the next day haha.

Thursday 10th of January:
For this lesson we had to do freeze frames for the scenario we had come up with for our Commedia piece. We started off by re-reading the scenario and just going into a freeze frame and seeing if it work we then showed Mr.Fearnehough and we fixed them and came up with tittles for the freezes so we would be more clear. This activity also helped us out to figure out what our character was really like and the different levels that could be used in the freezes.
I think we are much clearer now on the whole scenario and how the characters are and I am really excited to work on it even more !!!!

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