Sunday 16 December 2012


Monday 10th December-
Halley Rose showed us her acid test on "Oh the Humanity" firstly.
I really liked her acid test because I could see straight away which parts of the production stuck with her the most. Halley used a bird cage that had the question written on the bars. Her ideas on the acid test were really interesting and she combined Theatre to real life which was good.
We then discussed what we were going to be doing for the next couple of months in theatre whihc is producing our own performance using Commedia. Our homework was to come up with some ideas and plots to begin with.

Wednesday 12th December-
It was our double lesson of the week and we had a lot of planning to do.
We began the lesson by creating an action plan for our commedia piece. We decided on an end date for our piece which is the 13th of February!
We have 20 lessons from today until our pieec which is kind of scary haha.
We came up with what to include in our action plan and our homework was to go home and fix the action plan to where we think things go best and share the ideas in tomorrows lesson.
Mr F then decided to for us to do a very scary exercise which was to have each other us get up infront of the class and try to make our audience laugh. We all didn't want to do it and were scared/worried/embarressed. I sat there and I had no idea what to do to try make everyone laugh so I was a little worried when it was getting nearer and nearer to my go.
When it was my go, I got up and went behind the door. I had NO IDEA what to do still so I just took a breath and went crazy and went with the flow. I came out screaming and started tickling people and pulling faces to try make them laugh. Some people (axel) wern't ticklish so instead I grabbed his own shoe and hit him (lightly) with it, this got some laughs. I felt reflief when I was finished and also quite proud. I didn't think I would manage to make people laugh and I did it in a commedia way e.g three time rule, slapstick. So I guess it was a good practise.
After everyone had their go, we all sat down in a circle and spoke about how we have a "cop in the head" which was named by Augusto Boal, which is what stops us from doing things that can be embarrassing or wrong. In theatre, especially in Commedia we have to put aside the cop in our head and go with it. If we feel silly, we are doing it right.

Thursday 13th December-
Today we went through the action plan and got a "final" (probably will change during time) action plan. We then went into the drama theatre and got our own space in the room. We each had to say our ideas for what we want to do our piece on.
I didn't have a concrete idea but lots of ideas that can come together. When Halley said that our performance date is the day before Valentines Day, i thought it would be a good idea to create the whole piece around love. Everyone would be in love as "love is in the air". But each character still keeps their personality. Halley said an idea of it being in a school like a high school musical kind of thing. Which I thought was a good idea too.
I liked everyones ideas so I know it is going to be difficult choosing one or even combining ideas as there were lots of them.
I am very excited to get working on our first group piece!
Commedia is a great way to start as I think it will get all of our confidence up and stop worrying what people think. It is also going to be a very fun piece to start with which will bring the group together even more so.

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